Thursday, December 15, 2011

Can Our Oceans Survive the Acid Attack?

This article is all about climate change and how acid will affect the world. as the carbon dioxide levels and global temperatures rise the oceans are becoming more acidic. This article has very important questions that have not been answered about how acid will effect our oceans. the article goes on talking about what could happen if acid becomes to high. this is very important to know and learn how it will effect us and possibley how we could prevent it from happening.

Southern Right Whales

This article is about the southern right whales. It talkes about were they are located and were there name ariginates from. It gives information on the whales behavior. For example the female whales go to the same spot everytime they give birth. The article gives alot of information on female whales and motherhood. these whales are very important to the oceans ecosystem.

The Ocean's Cleaners

This article is about the different bacterias in the ocean that clean the water. it is very important that we have these bacterias because they break down wastes that are dumped in to the ocean. They keep our oceans clean and healthy. Not only do bacteria help break down waste but the oceans currents and the movement in the water help to.

Elephant seal travels 18,000 miles

 This article is bout an elephant seal named Jackson that was tracked by The Wildlife Conservation Society. He was tracked from December 2010 to November 2011 and he traveled 18,000 miles. While reading this article i found out that elephant seals are  indicators of the health in marine ecosysetems and can show how climate change influences species. Jacksons journey provides a map of how elephant seals use the Patagonian Coast and its associated seas. His journey was very important and vital information that can help improve Ocean Managment.

Scientists develop vaccine that successfully attacks breast cancer in mice

 Scientists developed a vaccine that is proven successfully attack breast cancer and other cancers in mice. The National Academy of Sciences have finally revealed a new strategy for treating cancers. This is the first vaccine that can train the immune system to distinguish and kill cancer cells based on there sugar structures. I found this article very important and intresting. Hopefully they find find a cure.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Man-made super-flu could kill half humanity

Avian influenza virus, TEM (NIBSC/Science Photo Library)

This article is about a new virus made in a lab that can kill half of humanity.This virus is an H5N1 bird flu strain it was genetically altered to become much more contagious. It was created by Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam. he was the first who presented his work to the public at an influenza conference in Malta, in September. This was a very rare virus to catch and those who would catch it died. until now the virus was not a major threat to the human population but be cause of recent testing it has become an airborn virus. if released this virus will cause many more fatalities then the common flu virus.

Sea Turtle Threats: Harvest for Consumption

Sea turtles are threatened by humans who hunt and kill sea turtles for their meat, shells, and eggs. In many coastal communities sea turtles are considered a food source. Sea turtle meat is found to be wanted on religious holidays. In Mexico, thousands of inland residents journey to the Pacific coastal communities during the week preceding Easter in search of sea turtles and other seafood. During this short period of time, as many as 5,000 turtles are consumed in this region alone. the sea turle is not only just used for there meat but they can be used for there oil, cartiledge, skin, and shell. Sea turtles used to be endangered and i feel they still should be. there are limits on sea turtle consumption and resorvations were sea turtles can be protected.